RENESAS瑞薩 PS2701-4光藕

The PS2701-1, PS2701-2, PS2701-4, are optically coupled isolators containing a GaAs light emitting diode and an NPN silicon phototransistor.

This package is SOP (Small Outline Package) type and has shield effect to cut off ambient light.
It is designed for high density mounting applications.

? High isolation voltage (BV = 3 750 Vr.m.s.)
? SOP (Small Outline Package) type
? High-speed switching (tr?= 3 μs TYP., tf?= 5 μs TYP.)
? Ordering number of taping product (only 1-channel type) : PS2701-1-E3, E4, F3, F4
? UL approved: File No. E72422 (S)
? VDE0884 approved (Option)

? Hybrid IC
? Measuring instruments
? Power supply
? Programmable logic controllers






Important Notice

Performance figures, data and any illustrative material provided in this data sheet are typical and must be specifically confirmed in writing by F-tone Networks before they become applicable to any particular order or contract. In accordance with the F-tone Networks policy of continuous improvement specifications may change without notice.

The publication of information in this data sheet does not imply freedom from patent or other protective rights of F-tone Networks or others. Further details are available from any F-tone Networks sales representative.
